Doctors Recommend Avoiding Over-Drying The Skin.
Dry bark is customary during the winter and can lead to flaking, itching, cracking and even bleeding. But you can prevent and treat fruitless skin, an expert says Dec 28, 2013. "It's tempting, especially in cold weather, to necessitate long, hot showers," Dr Stephen Stone said in an American Academy of Dermatology talk release. "But being in the water for a long time and using hot water can be to the nth degree drying to the skin.
Keep your baths and showers short and make sure you use warm, not hot, water". "Switching to a mellow cleanser can also help reduce itching," said Stone, a professor of dermatology at the Southern Illinois University School of Medicine. "Be unfaltering to gently pat the graze dry after your bath or shower, as rubbing the skin can be irritating". Stone, who also is the school's director of clinical research, recommended applying moisturizer after getting out of the bath or shower.