The Human Brain Reacts Differently To The Use Of Fructose And Glucose.
New investigating suggests that fructose, a open sugar found easily in fruit and added to many other foods as part of high-fructose corn syrup, does not dampen appetite and may cause kinsmen to eat more compared to another simple sugar, glucose. Glucose and fructose are both simple sugars that are included in correspond parts in table sugar herbies. In the new study, brain scans suggest that abundant things happen in your brain, depending on which sugar you consume.
Yale University researchers looked for appetite-related changes in blood spill in the hypothalamic region of the brains of 20 healthy adults after they ate either glucose or fructose. When populace consumed glucose, levels of hormones that play a role in presentiment full were high weight loss websites. In contrast, when participants consumed a fructose beverage, they showed smaller increases in hormones that are associated with nimiety (feeling full).
The findings are published in the Jan 2, 2013 conclusion of the Journal of the American Medical Association. Dr Jonathan Purnell, of Oregon Health & Science University in Portland, co-authored an article that accompanied the new study. He said that the findings replicate those found in ex animal studies, but "this does not prove that fructose is the cause of the embonpoint epidemic, only that it is a possible contributor along with many other environmental and genetic factors".
That said, fructose has found its way into Americans' diets in the condition of sugars - typically in the form of high-fructose corn syrup - that are added to beverages and processed foods. "This increased intake of added sugar containing fructose over the days beyond recall several decades has coincided with the upgrade in obesity in the population, and there is strong evidence from rude studies that this increased intake of fructose is playing a role in this phenomenon," said Purnell, who is confidant professor in the university's division of endocrinology, diabetes and clinical nutrition.
But he stressed that nutritionists do not "recommend avoiding actual sources of fructose, such as fruit, or the occasional use of honey or syrup". And according to Purnell, "excess consumption of processed sugar can be minimized by preparing meals at haven using whole foods and high-fiber grains".