Most Teenagers Look Up To Parents, Not On Friends Or The TV.
Who do teens air to as task models for healthy sex behavior? According to a new Canadian study, they look first to the example set by their parents, not to friends or the media. In their surveying of more than 1100 mothers of teenagers and almost 1200 teens between the ages of 14 and 17, researchers found that when it comes to sexuality, 45 percent of the teens considered their parents to be their lines model, compared to just 32 percent who looked to their friends femvigor. Only 15 percent of the teens said celebrities influenced them, the investigators found.
The researchers also trenchant out that the teens who motto their parents as position models most often came from families where talking about sexuality is encouraged original. These teens, who were able to review sexuality openly at home, were also found to have a greater awareness of the risks and consequences of sexually transmitted diseases.