Showing posts with label shark. Show all posts
Showing posts with label shark. Show all posts

Friday, 13 October 2017

Not Found Therapeutic Properties Of Shark Cartilage In The Treatment Of Lung Cancer

Not Found Therapeutic Properties Of Shark Cartilage In The Treatment Of Lung Cancer.
A downer derived from shark cartilage failed to repair survival in patients with advanced lung cancer, researchers report. The inferior results, which came in the incontrovertible stage of testing, showed that the drug didn't help extend the life spans of patients with inoperable manipulate 3 non-small cell lung cancer. Scientists have been testing drugs derived from shark cartilage because it appears to retard blood vessels from growing around tumors proextenderusa com. The ambition is that the drugs will prevent cancer cells from being fed by blood, which allows them to grow.

Researchers led by Dr Charles Lu, of the University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, tested the individual narcotic in question, known as AE-941, on patients in the United States and Canada treatment. In the study, published online May 26 in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute, a amount of 379 patients with inoperable non-small cubicle lung cancer were treated with chemoradiotherapy and either AE-941 or an quiescent placebo.

There was no significant difference in outcome between the two groups in terms of overall survival, or in period of time before the disease progressed, the researchers found. The study authors noted that the study's motivation was "the widespread use of poorly regulated complementary and alternative medicine products, such as shark cartilage-derived agents, amid patients with advanced cancer, a population likely to be vulnerable to unsubstantiated marketing claims".

Lung cancer also called as bronchogenic carcinoma. Lung cancer is one of the most hackneyed cancers in the world. It is a best cause of cancer death in men and women in the United States. Cigarette smoking causes most lung cancers. The more cigarettes you smoke per light of day and the earlier you started smoking, the greater your jeopardize of lung cancer. High levels of pollution, emanation and asbestos exposure may also increase risk.